Sunday, January 29, 2012

Hey kiddos,

I really hate Sundays

today is my day to:

1. think about how much homework I have
2. not do any of it
3. think about how I have wasted my weekend
4. cry because it is already Sunday and the weekend is too gone for repair
5. think about exercising
6. NOT exercise; subsequently eat

Sh*t makes us crazy

Today, however, I was productive. With a friend, I began planning a road trip that we will be taking in the distant future.

Oh, the open road. I have always been mesmerized by the west coast; the sunsets, the majestic forests, the chillax people... righteous, amIright?

totally tubular

However, since I would rather re-do four years of pubescent middle school than drive all the way to California with the same person jabbering in the passenger seat, I had to rethink my dream road trip.

To strengthen my argument, Chris McCandless went West, and look how he ended up


Henceforthwith, I will be driving to Florida.
that's me on the left

Despite the fatness of Florida, I am very excited
So far, my road-tripping buddy and I began creating lists such as: Places to stop, Friends to Bring, Ground rules
and my favorite:

Things to Bring
Music (a billion cds)
Clothes that make the boys come to the yard

I have one personal goal for this trip: take a duck-face picture at every destination.
I really need to improve my duck face, it is pitiful.
the horror
Talk to you tomorrow on my second-least-favorite day of the week, Monday!

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