Thursday, January 26, 2012

Hey soul sisters,

In Boston All Girl's School, we celebrated the Chinese New Year. 
At lunch I enjoyed chicken stir fry, rice, a spring roll, and a wonderful side salad. The Chinese Lion graciously donated the lettuce. 

with garlic caesar dressing and a hint of wood

My fortune stated,  "A different world cannot be built by indifferent people"
Thanks, Sir Point-Out-The-Obvious-A-Lot

Tonight, we had our first Things You Should Know (TYSK) class with the Burlington Mound boys. 

*Remember, I have been going to an all girl's school for eight years and have never taken a class with boys before. 

I went about my school day very normally, often forgetting that I was going to encounter the XY during the evening.  
Do you know that feeling when you are drifting off to sleep and you are suddenly jolted awake? 
I experienced this stomach-drop today when I remembered the ensuing fate of a multi-gender encounter

Yes fear

You see, when I am around boys my age, I find that everything they say is hilarious.

HAHAHAHA! you spoke

Awk moment of the evening: instead of saying, "they've worked on several projects together and will occasionally study together," Lucy said, "they've worked on several projects together and will occasionally slutty together" 
little kitty feels ashamed

Besides my nervous and obsessive laughter, I came home feeling confident that I had left a good impression with the boys. 

Until I looked in the mirror
forgot to pluck my eyebrows!

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