Saturday, January 28, 2012

Howdy Partners,
It's the weekend! We made it!

My weekend did NOT start out with a bang. I had to wake up at ungodly 7 AM to take an SAT biology subject test. 
I don't know about you gals, but when I am taking a standardized test, I think it is my right as a human being to absolutely hate the test proctor's guts
Like, why do they even exist? 

I uses  #1 pencils, wanna FIGHT?

Here's a couple of ways to really FREAK OUT the proctor who gives you the test.

When your proctor says, "look up when you are done filling out your name and address" in his whiny and universally monotonous excuse of a voice 

Throw 'em the face!
and for the sake of all things holy, just sit there
I'll multiple choice your mother


During the middle of the test, if you realize that you are going to do HORRIBLY either because:

A. You did not study
B. You suddenly have a horrible stomach flu
C. You are in protest of the SAT and its importance to the college process

Then stand up, throw your test booklet, answer sheet, and all of your pencils on the ground, point to the test proctor and all of the other test-takers, and scream, 
Get out!!!! I am Columbus and you are my indians!

proceed to run around the room twice while sounding your best war cry

 Hipsterbob Squarepants says taking tests is so mainstream

Anyways, I hope you goofy goobers had a wonderful Saturday

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