Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Hiya homework-haters!

This is my new blog! Here, I will be posting about my day as a student in Boston All Girl'
s School

Things that happened today:

Ever wonder what "eye broccoli means"? Sally enlightened me today. 
Think the opposite of "eye candy" 
Erika: "who's the eye broccoli?" 
Sally: "that's the new teacher."


I noticed that Beth-Anne wrinkled her nose as she walked into the Senior Homeroom this afternoon. I exclaimed, "It smells like farts in here!"
she nodded and agreed. 
it was me

At Boston All Girl's School, every wednesday at lunch we play a song on the cafeteria loud speakers. As I professed my love for Katy Perry while I listened to"Teenage Dream," Lucy asked me if I was sad about Katy's recent split with Russell Brand. 

No, Lucy. I am not sad.
More for me!

Y'all brownielavas, I am nervous to meet the boys from Burlington-Mound (our brother school) tomorrow. After eight years, I have to interact with boys in a learning environment? 

Say it ain't so. 
Guess that means I will have to shave my armpits in the morning

I might not. 

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