Thursday, February 2, 2012

Attention Readers!
It is February 2nd, which means there is one month until my birthday!!

Tonight was our second Things You Should Know class with the Burlington Mound boys. Last week's class started off with a bang so tonight we had a strong foundation to build upon.

For instance, last week a teacher asked,"what are some things that you think are normal at your single-sex school that you are worried may not be socially acceptable when you get to college?"

I am proud to say that my classmates Sally and Sasha responded first.

1.  Sally responded, "I burp out loud."

Sally, was that a burp or a clap of thunder?
Now, all of the boys think we are gassy gals.

2. Sasha responded, "public nudity"
Yes, we are comfortable enough with each other to be naked. all of the time.
Okay. Not fully naked. but more often than not there will be someone in their underwear in the homeroom or in any classroom for that matter.
The no pants dance is a commonality within the senior homeroom.  Shirtlessness is data proven to be a college admissions advantage.
I love it when the moon comes out in the daytime

Anyways, thanks to Sally and Sasha, the boys all think we are burping strippers!!! ;)
But really, keeping in the gas was hard tonight, especially because we were served burritos. I mean COME ON

By the end I was crossing my legs to keep the toots inside of me. 


and do you know how HARD it is to make eating a burrito look sexy? very. freaking. hard.
Look, I'm doing it! toot. 
Such problems. I am so glad that during one of my first coed experiences in eight years I was gassy and had burrito breath.
Overheard in the hallways: "that fart is so terrible smelling that I can't smell it because you killed my nose nerves"

Sorry I have not posted in a few days.  I am tiny, secret, fleeting, and potent, like an ephemeral fart. 

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