Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Sometimes, I find myself to be an extremely bitter person. I can't help it! Often fueled by jealousy, I allow my emotions to take over my common sense.

For instance, when I see someone dressed in awesome clothes, I think to myself, "Wow, those sunglasses look really good on her. That's a REALLY COOL sweater. I hate her."

does this thinking process make sense? no, it really doesn't. 

Then, instead of complimenting the fashionably elite person, or asking her where she gets her clothes, I wallow in my non-fashionable misery. 

and everyone knows you can't successfully wallow in your misery unless you are wearing sweatpants. 

You must see the problem in this sequence of events. 

On another note, when I am walking alone in the city, and I see a group of chatty people in the subway or on the street  laughing and enjoying each others' company, I can't help but to despise each and every one of them. 
It's like, here I am, sad music playing on my iPod, no shoulder to cry on, alone and vulnerable. Solitude surrounds my thoughts until suddenly, out pops a group of sociable and happy people! 

Queue the self pity thoughts:

When I make milkshakes, no one comes to yard. 

What do my boyfriend and a Ferrari have in common? I don't have either. 

Sweatpants and gravity are the only things that hold me. 

When my coach says find a partner, I end up paired with the coach. 

Static electricity is the only thing that is truly attracted to me. 

Instead of calling up someone to come hang out with me, I go home alone, as if to spite that group of friends I saw on the subway. 

I swear have friends!!!!! 

internet friends

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