Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Identity Week

Here at Boston All Girl's School, it is Identity week! To clarify, I am a huge advocate for the efforts our school has made to increase the amount of diversity conversation.  I just thought, "it's identity week! so I can talk about myself!"
Here, I will categorize myself based upon the 6 core identifiers: Socioeconomic status, sexual orientation, gender, religion, race/ethnicity, age, and ability

I have 700 more Facebook friends than real life friends. 

I am rebellious, lazy, irresponsible, and totally focused on trivial things like clothes and socializing 

Best guess:

I have the urge to move, usually due to uncomfortable sensations that occur primarily in my legs, but occasionally in the arms or elsewhere.
Motor restlessness, expressed as activity, which relieves the urge to move.
symptoms worsen by relaxation
symptoms worsen in the evening and early in the night

Best guess:  
Restless Leg Syndrome (RLS)

socioeconomic status
I neither worked nor paid for the house that I live in 
I am completely financially dependent on the the goodwill of others (parents) 
I wear the same outfit every day. (tshirtpants, tshirtpants, tshirtpants, etc) 
mommy iz hungy and i wantz a sammich

Best guess:  

sexual orientation

I am currently crushing on these three:



Best Guess:
To Be Determined once I actually get off my butt and meet real-life people

I leave no room for a package in my skinny jeans

Best Guess

I live by a strict set of morals.

Best Guess
I am a procrastinator. Putting things off is not a bad habit, it is a belief. 


Well, my parents are rather white. 
And in the summer I look rather not-white:

that's me next to Ms. Pastypale

Some people tell me I look like a Mexican man when I make this face

Best Guess
Switched at birth/ whatever Corbin Bleu is:


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