Saturday, February 11, 2012


Have you ever woken up in the morning, looked in the mirror, and seen this?
lock your doors, hide your children!

I bet you haven't. Sometimes, my hair does very strange things. I swear I didn't do anything to it! I just woke up and it looked like this!

When I went to bed last night, I put my hair in a ponytail like I normally do. When I woke up, I found that my hair elastic had broken and the monster had escaped!

My hair stayed this way all day long. If anything, it got worse.
chillen, defying the laws of gravity
Earlier this year I had a similar unpredictably insane hair day. I wore my hair down to school mostly because I couldn't detain it using an elastic. I received some very interesting looks from the lower-schoolers throughout the day.

please don't hurt me

Luckily, I have this: TIGI Catwalk Curl Collection hair gel

Imagine if Jesus and Beyonce made a hair product out of pure unicorn blood and then Ghandi blessed it after it traveled on a leprechaun rainbow over Mount Everest and it fell from the sky as a seed that was germinated and nursed to maturity by a three-towed sloth who planted it on the holy grounds of Jerusalem and it sprouted into fountain of pure amazingness. That’s what my hair gel is to me. 

Without it.... 
countless terrified children

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