Sunday, February 12, 2012

Dog Blog

Dogs dogs dogs! we love them! 
They are cute, funny, loving, and loyal. Most importantly, they give us the most amazing website in the world called Hot Guys. Holding Cute Puppies. 

he's so cute!!!! who? the hot guy or the puppy?
what fun! oh how I love pronoun ambiguity

If you are a cat person, you must be a ginger
no soul

My two dogs, Marley and Coby, are complete opposites. Marley is a girl, Coby is a boy. Marley is black, Coby is white.  Marley is smart, Coby is a pinhead. Most of the time, they absolutely hate each other. 

based the laws of physics,  ball will rise 4.67 feet in the air and land 18.9 feet away from initial position

wag wag wag wag wag wag treat wag wag wag wag wag

I love how people are protective of their dogs. They treat their dogs the way they treat their families. 
It works like this:
you are allowed to say that your own mom has a mom butt 
your friends are not allowed to say that your mom has a mom butt

you can insult your own dog
your friends cannot insult your dog

So here I go. 
Though Marley is "book smart" (she can sit, lay down, etc) she has a dead animal problem. She eats dead animals, not realizing that dead animals make alive animals sick. very. violently. sick. 

I woke up this morning and found a note on the counter. 

Erika- Marley ate a dead squirrel last night. She is sick. 
Please remember to close the kitchen doors so she can not get to the rest of the house. Do not forget.

This happened once before. Marley ate a dead bird and escaped from the kitchen. She left presents for us around the house. including my bed. 

droppings in bed= unforgivable

I found yet another note taped on my backdoor as I left my house for school.

Erika- Please do not forget to close the doors. 

As if the first note was not enough to warn me that if I did not close the doors, I could potentially find poopies or barf in my bed. 

it's okay, I still love my doggies! 

how could you not?
Meet the pups:

Hot dog, we have a winner! The most adorable puppy. 

i walks by dead chipmunk or i stops and rolls in it? secund one 

hehe when she hugs me i makes her smell like chipmunk

while i may appear to be paying attention, i simply want a treat

if i act helpless, they will rub me
i iz princess and this iz my throne
i just farted
this iz my raccoon. we snuggle

there we have it. Doggies=happiness

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