Tuesday, February 14, 2012

The show Gossip Girl is incredibly saddening because it shows how our normal high school lives pale in comparison to those of Manhatten's finest. 

How does my high school experience differ from Serena Van Der Woodsen's?
1. I actually have to go to class
2. I actually have to work (take tests, write papers, do homework, etc.)
3. I, a student at Boston All Girl's School, do not know any males
5. I live in the suburbs, not in a penthouse
6. I wear sweatpants

The list goes on. Unlike in Gossip Girl, in real high school, we have to deal with boredom, stress, and our continuous lack of fashion, friends, and a social life.

Imagine if Blair and Serena were students at your high school.... Gossip Girl's narritive would be a little different, huh?  

our lives are so damn boring

Meet the crew:

Serena Van Der Woodsen

Blair Waldorf
Chuck Bass
Dan Humphrey

Spotted: Lonely boy on his computer in class avoiding boredom. They say love conquers all. But maybe love never met Photobooth. Poor Humphrey. Looks like our resident moral compass isn't such a straight arrow after all. XOXO - Gossip Girl 

Spotted: a beautiful blonde phoenix rising from the ashes of a major public humiliation. in math class. 

S- the derivative of x is 2x, not 3x

Springtime on the Upper East Side. Where the winter chill is supposed to be so last season. We hear that World War III just broke out. And it's wearing a fur hat. 

Looks like Chuck and Blair showed up with quite an appetite for destruction. of the cupcakes in the homeroom, that is. 

Serena knows a party isn't a party until someone crashes
sooooooo fulllllll

If I were you, Chuck, I'd be worried. There could be hairballs on that teddy bear. Sweet dreams. 

It's cold out there, but on the Upper East Side things are heating up. Valentine's Day has arrived. Looks like B has a secret admirer. Oh, it's her little brother.

You know you love me. XOXO - Gossip Girl

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